Lake Conditions:  Fog/Mist - 30° / Lake Temperature  N/A° - 357.19'

Day 1 Severe Weather Risk

Severe Weather Outlook Day 1

Day 1 Tornado Risk

Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area:  10% or greater probability of EF2 - EF5 tornadoes within 25 miles of a point.

Day 1 Tornado Threat

Day 1 Severe Wind Risk

Probability of damaging thunderstorm winds or wind gusts of 50 knots or higher within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area:  10% or greater probability of 65 knot wind gust or greater within 25 miles of a point.

Day 1 Severe Wind Threat

Day 1 Severe Hail Risk

Probability of one inch diameter hail or larger within 25 miles of a point.
Hatched Area:  10% or greater probability of two inch diameter hail or greater within 25 miles of a point.

Day 1 Severe Hail Threat