Lake Conditions:  Overcast - 30° / Lake Temperature  N/A° - 357.46'
Cadiz, Kentucky
Cadiz, Kentucky
Cadiz, Kentucky
Closer Than You Think

A Week to Remember

Written by Doug Wynn - Published on May 16, 2022

Howdy from the Excel Storm Cat 230. Ever have one of those weeks you wish wouldn’t end?

It might be during the holidays or vacation. Mine has been this past week. I got home every afternoon and was so worn out; it was a struggle to get the boat set up for the next day’s trip and batteries charged.

Vicki often found me asleep in my recliner if I happened to get home before she did. My normal day starts at 4am or before and it’s rare I get home before 4pm.

My week started on Tuesday with Tim Huffman, a renowned outdoor writer from Arkansas, who was in town for the AGLOW writer’s camp. Elena Blevins from the Marshall County Tourism Office had asked me months ago if I could fit a day or two into my schedule where I could take members of the group out for a day of fishing. My packed schedule allowed one day, on Tuesday.

After introductions, Tim and I got down to some serious Kentucky Lake fish catching. One of the first fish Tim caught was a mystery fish that I netted having zero idea what it was.

I was seeing a white belly in the net until it rolled, and I saw that black and gold side of a huge sauger. Not just ANY sauger! It was the largest sauger I had ever laid eyes on!

As I got it out of the net for photos, Tim and I were both dumbfounded by the length and girth of this most beautiful, toothy monster. I measured it at over 20.5 inches and the girth was that of a softball.

After pics of both of us holding it, I dropped it back into the lake, making sure it swam off unharmed. The rest of our day was some great fishing with his last fish being a crappie well over 15 inches.

The rest of my week through Saturday was made up of day after day of us catching large, post-spawn crappie as well as sauger, white bass, largemouths, bluegills, catfish, and other assorted species that call Kentucky Lake home. Each day found at least one member of my fishing parties catching a new personal best.

As has been the way all spring, the fish have been scattered with no concentration in one area. I have fished several different spots as the wind allowed. The chosen tactic has been trolling crankbaits. The predominate bait has been Pico cranks but also others.

The color patterns seem to change every day. There have been a lot of smiles from lucky fishermen as well as questions from those at Sportsman’s Marina when our bags have been brought to the cleaning station. Our depths have ranged from 15-25 feet deep. Some have come from around cover but many more have been in open water areas.

I’ve seen some great catches of bluegills and redears as well as catfish brought in.

One thing that has been noticeable to all my client groups has been the lack of fishing pressure and pleasure boaters on the lake the past week. Some recreational boating pressure showed up Saturday but nothing like would normally be seen during such beautiful weather.

No doubt historically high gas prices have figured largely into travel plans of many. I can’t help but think we are going to see lower occupancy rates in lodging and drops in other businesses around our area.

Folks in our region need to know they don’t have to travel days to have some of the best our country has to offer right here in our region.

Be careful out there and watch out for those who won’t watch out for you, Help those who need help. Wear your PFDs when the big motor is running above idle speeds.

Welcome to our slice of Heaven!

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