Lake Conditions:  Overcast - 41° / Lake Temperature  N/A° - 355.01'

'Cub Scout Day 2023 - Outdoor Skills' Planned at Nature Station

November 4, 2023 | Press Release from Friends of LBL

The theme of this year's Cub Scout Day is Outdoor Skills at the Woodlands Nature Station. The event is scheduled for Saturday, November 18, 2023, inside Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area.

The Friends of Land Between the Lakes will host its annual Cub Scout Day from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 18 at the Woodlands Nature Station in Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. Cub Scout leaders can bring the whole pack—or families can bring their own Cub Scouts—for a full day of hands-on activities focused on this year's theme: Outdoor Skills.

Cub Scouts of all ages will practice using a compass, casting a fishing rod, and other outdoor skills while working on an Adventure from their Cub Scout rank.

The Adventures are:
Mountain Lion - Lions
Tigers in the Wild - Tigers
Finding Your Way - Wolves
A Bear Goes Fishing - Bears
Castaway - Webelos

View the full schedule of events and details on Adventure requirements here.

Nature Station staff recommends planning at least a two hour visit to complete all the activities. All activities are included in Nature Station admission fees, which are $7 for ages 18 and up; $5 for ages 5-17; and free for ages 4 and under.

The Woodlands Nature Station is located within Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area at 3146 Silver Trail Road, Cadiz, Kentucky 42211.

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