Lake Conditions:  Partly Cloudy - 66° / Lake Temperature  74° - 360.10'

Kentucky Lake & Lake Barkley Forecast

Forecast Kentucky Upper Kentucky Flow (cfs) Barkley Upper Barkley Flow (cfs)
Today 4:00pm 360.2' 360.1'
10:00pm 360.2' 101,220 360.2' 71,270
5/18 4:00am 360.2' 91,250 360.2' 60,000
10:00am 360.2' 91,210 360.2' 60,000
4:00pm 360.1' 91,130 360.1' 60,000
10:00pm 359.9' 90,800 360.0' 60,000
5/19 4:00am 359.9' 90,450 359.9' 60,000
10:00am 359.8' 90,340 359.8' 60,000
4:00pm 359.7' 90,070 359.7' 60,000
10:00pm 359.5' 89,690 359.6' 60,000
5/20 4:00am 359.5' 89,460 359.5' 60,000
10:00am 359.4' 89,320 359.4' 60,000
4:00pm 359.2' 89,030 359.3' 60,000
10:00pm 359.2' 62,360 359.3' 48,330

This data is usually updated twice daily and is provided by the TVA River Forecast Center.